well fuck me i had a good post but my shit fucked up and i lost it but n e ways let me sum just make a new post well today me ally tim steve-o xandie and jeebus went to ventura today i spent about $120 on random task bullshit that i did not need but hey shit happens what u going to do about. well i was supposed to be at work today instead of shopping but i fucked up my wraist lastnight trying to throw out that trash at work i didn't really think n e of it at first till i tryed to lift 4; 4 fucking dinner plates i couldn't so i wrap a towel around that shit and go back to work and one of my managers comes up to me and ask what is up with the towel and told him and the first words that come out of his mouth after i told him were "you and jason fucking playing around again" i told him no which was really the truth for once so after i fill out some papers me and jerry are on the way to santa ynez hospital and then since i am under 18 my parents had to come and get me but n e ways even thou i am in pain but not really because they gave me some 500 mg vikes i get to stay home till saturday but yet i sitll get paid because i got hurt at work so i am happy :) well tomorrow i leave for L.A. for the week just so i have something to do and plus i need to find some socks with monkeys on them and that will be a task at hand but i think i will find some. well i dont know what the fuck i am doing home on a sunday when there is no skewl tomorrow but hey i am here and shit happens so i think i am going to go to sleep just because i am crazy like that. well i am up out this bitch so play on playa
"omega's song of the post" fuck faces-scarface
"ericka's words of wisdom" when you HATE on something you only make it strong so just keep on HATING u punk ass bitchs
"joeys squatch meter" well i am not a fucking sasquach so i dont have a fucking meter
"and jeebus's uprising" VIVA CLA
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