Thursday, August 05, 2004

Sometimes things just aren't what they seem to be. Just when you think all is well people make you realize everything you are doing is all wrong. Not that they tell you that to your face but you realize that what you are doing is not helping any situation, what you are doing is getting you no ware. I love the way I come to these conclusions just when I think im doing everything I can to make things work, but what am I making them work for, who am I making them work for....him, me? These are all great questions, great questions that I don't have the answers to. " They say freak when your singled out." Why do I feel this way? The more time that goes by the more I feel like this, like I just don't belong here. Sure ill have my good things when I love everything. Then I have those bad days, when I have to stand back and analyze what im really donning, who im trying to fool. Who am I trying to fool, me, am I trying to tell myself that I do fit in with all these people. I know I don't, they know I don't, all I do is stand out still I keep coming back. Why?


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