Hey... Hows it going? Welp...this is my first post and like i told you before i dont have much to say. I wish i could say my day was good. Lately my days havent really been good or bad. Just been kinda blah. I really hate having moody friends. Remember Chris Dominguez?? well im friends with his little brother Anthony and man...that boy can run from hot to cold in an instant. It pisses me off sometimes...he's just so sensitive. Well anyway, my mom went to rehearsal today and Mrs. Schumann didnt yell at me once! i told my mom she should come to rehearsal more often. Sometimes i feel like to get praise or any recognition or sympathy at the PAC you have to at least have tried to kill yourself twice. I feel like its a requirement to actually be somebody there. But anyway...ya...im glad you are doing good...im gonna get some sleep now...gotta get up early tomorrow! (god i hate school)
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