Friday, December 06, 2002

Ten reasons why Stephen Hilton means something in this shitty little world:
10. Unlike most people who just care about surface shit and what everyone else is doing, steveo is his own person and a fucking kick ass person at that.
9. Steveo has countless times saved me from suicide, and i am eternally thankful for that.
8. Steveo, is, by far, THE single most funniest guy i know! Steveo, lie to yourself all you will, but you are an integral part of my life, and the life of many others.
7. You do mean more to people then you think. All of our crew's life would be eternally changed if you were to go... don't ask questions. We would NOT get over you! Don't make me even start to cry thinking of it!
6. Who's gonna kick my ass at rally, uh son, quake iii, jet set radio (even though it doesn't exist), gta2, max payne, tony hawk, scorched earth, rott, and every other game the first time you play it even though i practice for weeks and weeks on end.
5. Who else can really appreciate the same music as me? A lot of people like NIN, but who else can really appreciate the irish drinking song, death metal in a nutshell, TNT, and yatta? Steveo... that's who.
4. Steveo is a fucking creative genius. Steveo, you have come up with some ideas and artwork that has totally blown away all so called 'professionals', i swear to god steveo... you will amount to something... people like you are a godsend.
3. Steveo, who else is gonna keep me in check? who else is going to be the sole voice of reason in all of smf? no one... all this is on you, bro.
2. Don't say you can't be loved, Steveo. I don't care if i am a guy and i don't care if people do call me gay, i love you steveo, like a fucking brother, if not more so. And i KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT that other people do... sure no girls love you AT THIS VERY MOMENT, but it will come. Hell, if i was a girl i'd be all over you... and it's not like me being a guy has really stopped me before.
1. Steveo, you are T N T!

I know i posted this on my web page already, but i just want to make sure steveo reads this. And steveo, remember at the end of the greatest movie ever? you are the only one to make it! :)


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