See how you are? ; )
I guess I should say something thoughtful and meaningful, like everyone tells me i do all the time. I really don't see what theyre talking about though. It's like how everyone says I'm a good writer. Just cause I can write, doesn't make me a good writer. I mean, i appreciate the compliments and all, but I don't really think they are all that useful when they don't really apply to anything that's actually true. It's like how my Jenadisa or whatever the hell her name was always told me how cool i was when we were going out, and how much she liked me. Then it all turned out to be a sharade, as it was all out of mercy, and none of what she ever told me was true. I really hate it when people tell me things that aren't true in a pathetic attempt to boost my self esteem. It's like when I'm a total geek, and someone says "No, you're not!". Bald face fuckin lie. If you're gonna compliment someone, make sure it's something you can actually compliment. You lie to someone, and they might think what you're saying is true, and they'll be misled. And I guess people realize that about me, which is why I don't get compliments that often. Most of the compliments i get include the old fashioned "slut bucket", and the ever popular "stupid BITCH". But those are all just jokes and shit. Great. The only compliments I get are jokes...but they're bad ones, so I guess it's ok. People need to realize that when I say things that sound like they are serious, it's usually because I mean them. I wouldn't joke about something as serious as, say "I really hate him.", or "You are a great person to be around, so stop being a little bitch about it." And most of all, I wouldn't say "I love you." to someone unless I really meant it. I mean sure, I joke around hugging my friends sayin "I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!" It's easy to understand, because we jump around like a bunch of morons, and make complete fools out of ourselves, which I might add is very fun. Really sitting down with someone, telling them "I love you" isn't something I would fuck around with. Not like it matters. Like I'd ever get another opportunity. But oh well, that's my life for you. SO yeah, when you say something that means alot to you, make sure you mean it. You don't want people to be led astray.
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