Stoner Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
wow this aint even close to what kind of bear that i am......:)
Friday, January 31, 2003
Nihilist Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Took this quiz on Angela's site. I got him^.
Thursday, January 30, 2003
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
well today is biancas b-day so i guess i should say happy birthday but seeing how she most likely wont see these site it wont matter but here it goes***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIANCA *****! well lastnight was a fun and intresting day at work simple squatch or should i say accident prone squatch was crying half the night because we have these iron skillets that we have to oil up and APS(accident prone squatch) dropped two of them on his toe and was out side crying like a a little bitch and it does not really hurt when they fall because i have had the owner drop drop a few on my foot before, but yeah and then after that was done we have these flat racks that we put the dishes on and APS sees one on the floor so instead of walking around it like everyone else like guy in a wheelchair saw that shit and wheeled around out the little kid say it and said oh fuck and walked around but no APS jus stepped on it and it propped up and hit him in the bruse he has on his leg so he cryed for like another hour. but yeah we and Mr Dean had like little debate about being pro life or pro choice and he said that he was pro life and i asked him it he eats eggs and he said yeah so i said aint that like abortion because instead of letting the little chick hatch you just gobble that mutha fucker up for breakfast, then there was some cases were he said abortion is ok like if a girl gets raped or if it is like you wife is goingot die during labor if she has the kid. so yeah those were a few of the ok reason to get an abortion adn then i asked him what he thought if it was two high skewlers who had a lot of things going for them and having a baby would ruin there life and he said no if they make there bed they have to lay in it but i dont know i am pro choice to a point and then i am pro life because abortion is just like another form of birth control but i dont know if both the people wanted to abort the child then i would go along with it because i am the guy i dont really have n e say in all i know that if i was with a chick and she got pregant then if she wanted to abort the child fine by me but if she wants to keep it that is cool by me to all i know is that i will be there for it be just the girl or the girl and the baby because if i am man enough to go in then i must be man enough to get what comes out. well i am up out this bitch play on playa
words of wisdom: morning is spelled M-O-R-N-I-N-G not mourning
Well today is my sisters birthday she got a new bike this mourning and later on my dad is comeing so we will be able to give here the rest of the gifts we bought her she should like all of it my dad got her somthing cool and since i have limited money flow my gift isnt the greatest i know she wanted it but my mom and dads gifts are better but i guess thats ok you know since they are the parents. well we are going to go to red lobster to eat becasue thats where she wants to go and two days im going to be 18 yahhh!!! happy fun time...well i guess thats all i have to say because mr dean is walking around checking somehting so i should go.
Words of Wisdom: ***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIANCA *****
Sunday, January 26, 2003
ok well i finally get to post now that i figured out where to plug in all the computer stuf...well im in my new house and i love it it is so cute its nice to live in a place that you like i hated to carpet in the apartment it just made it seem so nasty all the time but this place is nice well at least in my opinion..just finished watching the game, what a dissapointment..esspesially the last 7 seconds WOW what can i saywell lets see i get to see my dad on tuesday that should be fun ohh yah the party in L.A was great we had one of those jumpy houses and me and eric and cindy had such a great time in it even though i have so many brusies i had a great time and i got some cool presents including toe socks and monkey socks... yahi also got lots of money so yah well i guess thats all i have to say about that i had a great weekend
words of wisdom: when eric falls on top of your face it hurts
Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Friday, January 17, 2003
hey well im sitting herer and i just finished taking my econ final let me tell you that really sucked well my mom wants me to go home as some as school is out becsue i have to pack the rest of the house...yes ihave to do everything that she didnt do i knew that i would end up doing all the work but you know i really dont mind i get to be alone listne to music and pack accually sounds like fun...well i guess thats all i have to say for now il write later...maybe
words or wisdom: laughter is good
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Well hello people!!! Today is a much more beautiful day then all my days of the past week.....I just wanted to let the world know that I am happy today!!!! Why? you might ask....Well cuz ...(wait no matter how mean and cruel this sounds it is for the best) My dad is getting sent away for some army stuff....just incase you didnt know my dad is an ass.....So this is a very good thing....noting but sweet sweet fredom ahead of me!!!! YEA!!!
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Man, fuck. All I've got to say is that penny racing is apparently a LOT more fun when you're not in the car with the two idjits that are doing it (or maybe I just have a stick up my ass. It's always a possibility.)
So Whats up peeps~~~ And my fav cuz in the whole wide world...and her friends...Well I hope everything is going better for you and I hope Geof stupid ass brings a smile to your face and cheers u up for a while....Well I dont know what to say right now cuz I am tired and I need to sleep!!!!! Well life is hell ~~~~ what can I say......Love ya ~~~~ADIOS~~~~~
Words of wisdom: This blows
Hey, well im posting here cause ericka promised that she would torture me if i did...she is such a little briber...haha j/k
anyways, today is going ok i guess...just chizzilin in ericka's typing class watching her do the first part of her cute good little student ericka hehe. :)
i am soooo glad that today is a minimum day, it makes the day seem to last so much longer, which is good, so that i can actually get to do some shit today yay!
me and ryan were talking about kicking it at his house after school to play some rally and im going to bring over my game cube so we can play some godzilla melee ahhahaha what a kickass game!
neways...back to ericka: i think that it is so fucking cool that you have a fan other than the smf crew...that' pretty bad ass...just think: there could be a whole like "Everyone I Love Is Dead" cult thingie devoted to ericka over on the east coast and you would never even know about it...kinda trippy aint it? Not knowing who is reading this stuff...i guess that makes it all the more fun to post shit :)
well, ive kinda run out of crap to say so i guess ill go ahead and just stop....yeah sounds good ok.
p.s.: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha had to put that in there or else she probably wouldnt go through with her promise... :)
Monday, January 13, 2003
well aint this some shit on the one hand i my life was going great then today made me really just fucking look at everything i had a lot of time to think today at work we were really fucking slow and i worked byself for a long time becuase bitch ass bobbie didn't show to work again i think he is fired because he did a no show no call today but hey why the fuck do i care i still got my job and that all that really matters i need to stop thinking about what others do and shit,i just need to stop everything just fucking kickback and what ever happens happens, and most of all i need to stop listening to what people say and what i hear if i really need to hear something i will but if it is just random task bullshit then fuck it because everytime i do listen to that random shit i end up on the shitty part of it and at the end of the day i feel really fucking bad but hey what the fuck am i going to do about it there is nothing i can do i cant change the way a peron thinks or feels well fuck i am out i need to take a shower still and get some sleep just so i can wake up to another day in this living hell i call life
quote of the mutha fucking day bitch! ,"Depression consumes the body kills it slowly the pain is so overpowering it makes you just want to lay on the floor, not wanting to live life anymore. Your world is so dark you cannot see.Your muscles ache the pains so great.For many years i have been here Not many people know Crying everyday.Scared to trust Scared to let anyone in Its hard to let people know the real me Please set me free For many days the depression has been consuming me! Please i am asking you God Help set me free So i too can be happy...."
well another day and another load of bullshit i had to deal with if it isnt one person its the other im seriously geting pissed one has any idea how shit like this pisses me off...why do poeple think they know me and they can talk about me the way they do, i mean i didnt do anything to anyone to deserve some of the shit poeple say about me, first of all who are they to think they can say shit about me without me finding out? this really pisses me off like you have no idea..fuck i know i already said that but im just so upset...and then another thing i hate when people get upset just becasue i hang out with someone else i mean what the fuck seriosly what the fuck im starting to analize people, maybe i just need to get away for a while what ever i have to do needs to be done quickly before i go off one someone
words of wisdom: Fuck everyone who makes my life a living hell
Sunday, January 12, 2003
hey well lets see today was ok i didnt really do anything exciting but i did get to talk to Mike today at walmart that was cool i havent talked to him in a long time the only bad thing is that seeing him made me realize again that i still thinkn he is soooo hot, no really he is...really hot. but anyway we were talking and hopefully well get to hang out or somthing later on in the week. well lets see it is now 9:00 and Bryan is still here accually i think we spent the whole day with him you know here we are about to move and we have so much to do..."lets go waste the day at Bryans house" what the fuck thats all i have to say about that well thats it for now
words of wisdom: I just dont give a fuck
Well I guess We cant go out to the dance......It would have been so fun ...
Oh well I guess we will just find another time and another dance...Well post ya lata..~~~ADIOS
hi, im heather. Im the person that emailed you.....Im sorry if i might of confused you but i dont know you...
I actually no nothing about you, Only what you write about, thanks for letting me join ur blog tho, even tho i dont know u, i guess i just like readin about your life, i dont know blah
Some times i dont know what the hell im doing with my life, you know like i mean i know what is going on and all but i dont know why i do half the things i do. Sometimes i just sit here and think about all the shit that is going on and then i think about what i just did throughout the whole day and im confussed. Sometimes i feel like i have to be 2 different poeple, just so that i dont get shit from someone... but you know i really like the weekend becasue now i get to sit back and think about what i am going to do and what i am going to say. So thats kind of good...on a lighter note i got an e mail from someone that apperently knows me but i have no idea who they are so thats nice i guess well thats all i have to say for now
oh Cindy......the dance is the weekend we are going to L.A so yah
words of wisdom: Eat shit and die
Friday, January 10, 2003
Hey cuz...What the hell is up with you??? Where you be at??? I am waiting for you to post cuz I wanna know whats going on over there with my fav cuz....And I wanna know how freaky u are getting with your boys.....Well I will see ya soon....I hope you are doing good over there and I hope We get to go to your dance!!! Well KI T ~~ADIOS~~~~~~
Thursday, January 09, 2003
I am here in class with nothing to do....Boring I am tired and I wanna go home well I guess I have to go now .....Uh bells gonna ring I shall return!!!!!~~~ADIOS~~~~
well im sitting here doing nothing in the boreing of ROP its cause joey isnt here so i cant do any work...well let me see what else can i write about i guess i might as well post a song...Faget
Here I am defriended in this normal world
Why did you tease me? Made me feel absurd
Walking stereotypes feeding their heads
I am ugly. Please just go away
I can see inside you fine
This blessing in disguise
Why you treat me this way?
Made to hate to stay
A cell locked,
I can never seem to escape all the laughing, all the pain
If you were me, what would you do?
Nothing, probably. You'd just go on your way
Fagot! [pussy]
I'm just a pretty boy, whatever you call it
You wouldn't know a real man if you saw it
It keeps going on day after day, son
You fake, if you don't want none
I'm sick and tired of people treating me this way everyday
Who gives a fuck right now I got something to say to all the people that think
I'm strange and I should be out of here locked up in a cage
You don't know what the hell is up now anyway
You got this pretty-boy feeling like I'm enslaved to a world that never appreciated shit
he might come, but he has a body mighty:
any say, anyway, don't wanna say, anyway, any say, going away, don't wanna say, anyway
I'm just a pretty boy, I'm not supposed to fuck a girl
I'm just a pretty boy, killing in this fucked up world
All my life, who am I?!
I'm just a fagot!
I'm a fagot!
I'm not a fagot!
Well I'm . . .
You mother fucking queers! .....KORN
Words of wisdom: For the FUCK of God
Wednesday, January 08, 2003
Today was a very extermely the most ultamately fucked up day....Ilove the pic of Grove he looks so psyco is like he is saying "I am going to jump out of the computer and cut you up into little pieces and make a people smoothie out of you" Well that is my crazy phrase for the day....Well I am kinda outof time I will chat with you peeps lata~~~maybe~~~ADIOS~~~~
Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
hey well i thought this was a pretty cool picture although it does not apply to me more like ...eric but yah enjoy
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
so anyway im sitting here bored out of my fuckin mind with no one to talk to and jsut when im about to get off the computer ryan tito and eric sign on like at the same time wierd...i wen tot Stephens today and saw some of the famouse videos everyone is always talking baout..." im a banana" stuff like that , let me tell you those videos were,,,different iv never seen anyhting like them so i had a good time. well now rachel and sam are on so that leaves me no time to type so i guess ill talk to you people later its not like anyone ever reads this shit any way so bye
words of wisdom: think before you act
hey it is me again...Well nothing really happened today...I only went to two peroids of school today....last night I read something that made me sooo sick...One of my friends has another friend who I dispise and I read a conversation they had one day...It honestly made me sick to my stomach...It is just that this girl calls my friend her friend and then she goes and treats her like shit ......If I ever see this girl around anywhere I will talk to her.....but you all know stupid girls like that...oh wellsomeone need to put her in her place so I guess I will do it...I am at Ryan's house right nono not ryan in Lompoc it is another crazy white boy named ryan...Well Josie ana and trevor are here too so I I guess I am going to go now,...what with yall later...~~~ ADIOS~~~
hey well im jusr sitting here talking to stephen abou tthis game that he was playing to other night it sounds like a fuckin creepy ass game i dont think i could handle something like that... well we are trying to decide what to do after school but as always i can think of anthing interesting. so i dont know...yesterday was ok i cleaned the house up all nice and pretty, and i started packing some of my shit already, yah i get to move, no ill be farther away from everyone but its ok. well my nina went back in the hospital yesterday becasue the fucking people at the hostpital cant do there fucking job right so i dont know but hopefully shell be ok, well i guess thats about all i have to say for now i will write back later well you know i always say that but yet i never do its ok though,.
words of wisdom: im not as evil as i seem to be
Monday, January 06, 2003
yea well I feel so sorry for you poor people who have to go to school for a whole day....lucky you.....Hum I am sitting here on line and I get this IM from some wierdo......details: He says he is a talent scout...he wants me to send him a pic of me. He also tells me that being on his site would involve taking a pic with a bikini on only,.....he also lets me know that he is working on a nude site that would pay more money....naturaly he said the magic word So I get the details from him and send him Erickas pic and he tells me that the pic looks good.....ha ha ha got ya cuz..I didnt send ur pic I just told him that I wasnt interested.....There are some strange people out there ~~~trust no one~~~ADIOS~~~
hey well im just sitting here in class doing nothing, like always. Stephen is sitting here sleeping on my desk, my desk...but anyway i guess im glad to be back in school just becasue i finnaly got to leave L.A well its time for me to bug stephen so bye
words of wisdom: someone should just go out and kill those mother fuckers
Saturday, January 04, 2003
Ok I am here everyone stop worrying....First of all I am not really poor like dirt poor but 10 dollars for some batteries is just too much....the way I see it is I already paid for the camra that I needed the batteries for Why do I have to pay to use it should have just come with a life time supply of batteries...besides what does wal-mart need my 10 $ for ...they have so much money already I need it more than they do. So I had a blast this friday with my 2 cousins Ericka and with tito and ryan....I admit when me and Ericka get together there is no way you can stop the fun....The pics we took were great too. I don't think I have had such a great time in a while....Ryan is a maniac on that dance game....I have never seen someone so good at that game. It was like watching ....Well there is really nothing that I can think of to compare it to. Well I guess that is all for today. I shall return!!~~~~ Adios~~
i don tknow but today has not been the greatest day, my mom and i are on very bad terms. im telling her that she needs to spend time with my nina before we leave and she is over here telling me that it is her right to hang out with bryan whenever she wants, and she knows that i wanted to get home early but she said that it is different because im just a kid and what she wants is more important, she has never said that shit to me before, i dont know what her problem is. and today shes all oh yah eric called like two days ago...thanks mom. so anyway now im talking to ryan and stephen , always fun. my nina came home from the hospital today i was more help to her then anyone its like no one really cares im the one that is always there when she needs help to get up or to do things for her, everyone else is like oh shes home thats cool, but you know what she knows how much i help her and thats all i need... well i get to go back home tommarrow yah, i get to see everyone again what joy, no really it is. well cindy left today so im here on the computer by my self with no ones ass to spank :).. Ryan knows what im talking about dont you ryan? well i guess thats i have for now becasue im talking to stephen so bye
words of wisdom: Boyfriends suck
well lets see today i got to hang out with tito and ryan, we were suppossed to go to a club but my mom said no out of noware , well she said no becasue its not right that my nina is in the hospital while we go out yet she went sking with bryan and she went to dinner with him today and didnt get back untill 12:50 so we ended up going to an arcade and bowling place and took some pretty cool pictures.... we had a good time and i think cindy is goin gto go to our winter ball thingy with ryan that should be fun well thats about all that happened today it was cool to see poeple gain since i havent really seen anyone in a while
words of wisdom: make sure everything is aligned for the camera
Thursday, January 02, 2003
hey well i guess nothing really went on today but i guess something happened since im sitting here posting. well lets see tito is comeing over here tomarrow and cindy and i and our cousins are going to go out to a club or something. i guess tito knows some places to go so we should have fun at least we better, well i guess after today my mind is clear something happened that hadme so worried but now im ok my mind feels so clear...but anyway i am going to say HELLO to every one since i havent seen everybody in so long, i cant wait to see everyone yah, yahoo, yippee ok well i guess im not that excited im having fun over here with cindy she is over here planning out the whole day already...but she is so poor...she had to lift some batteries today at wal-mart, sad but hey, oh i forgot , when we were at walmart there were some really cute guys and i mean really cute like hot so every time we would walk by one of them tried to talk to me but then my uncle called me over to him so i was like fuck, man he had the most beuitful eyes see he was really dark and had grey eyes. very hot, so we made eye contact plenty of times, but hey no worries tomarrow night ill meat someone to have a good time with, now now you guys better not be thinking that i am some slut you know me better then that i just want to have a good time, a very god time well i guess thats all for now so i will write later on about how the day went
words of wisdom: ahh push it push it real good
hey well things have been going along ok sorry i havent posted in a while iv just been writting in my journal so i kind of stoped posting. Lets see im glad stephen gets to be back home with his buddies im still here in l.a and wont be back untill sunday mourning that kind of sux and it doesnt becasue im having a good time with my family over here and i like seeing my nina every day you know to make sure shes doing better. well im sitting here at 12:30 talking to ryan and tito. how fun really it is. ive been going to bed so late lately like at 2 or 3 in the mourning, normally i would have such a hard time doing that but now i have a hard time going to bed but hey as long as im having fun well i guess ill go
words of wisdom: telephones are possessed, watch your back!